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We accept the following payment

1. PayPal / Visa / Master


Follow the payment guideline when checkout.

2. Bank Transfer /FPS

Step 1 : After filling in the "Shipping Details" and "Delivery Method", Please choose "Manual Payment" in the Payment Section.  

步驟一 :  填寫 送貨細節 和 取貨方式 後,請在 Payment 中選取 “Manual Payment”

步驟二 : 轉帳到

銀行戶口 HSBC 411-689987-838 Big Panda Limited

轉數快     FPS    167189976



Step 2: Transfer payment to

HSBC:   411 689 987 838 Big Panda Limited 

FPS ID: 167189976


Email the bank receipt copy/ screen capture to, together with your order ID, name and phone number.

菲林相機 film camera

3. 支付寶香港 /微信支付香港  Alipay HK /Wechat Pay HK

步驟一 :  填寫 送貨細節 和 取貨方式 後,請在 Payment 中選取 “Manual Payment”

Step 1 :   Choose "Manual Payment" in the Payment Section.  

步驟二 : 掃描圖中的QR Code

Step 2:   Scan the below QR code


菲林相機 film camera

步驟三 :

輸入訂單金額,並於該付款程式內的備註輸入電𨛘中五位數字的訂單號碼,然後按 "立即付款"


Step 3: Input your payment amount​ AND enter your 5 digit ID (in the order confirmation email ) in the remark. Then, press "Pay Now"


Email the bank receipt copy/ screen capture to, together with your order ID, name and phone number.

4. PayMe

步驟一 :  填寫 送貨細節 和 取貨方式 後,請在 Payment 中選取 “Manual Payment”

Step 1 :   Choose "Manual Payment" in the Payment Section.  

步驟二 : 掃描圖中的QR Code

Step 2:   Scan the below QR code


菲林相機 film camera

步驟三 :

輸入訂單金額,於"輸入您的訊息"輸入訂單號碼,然後按 "向商店付款"


Step 3: Input your payment amount​ AND enter your 5 digit ID (in the order confirmation email ) in the remark. Then, press "Pay Now"


Email the bank receipt copy/ screen capture to, together with your order ID, name and phone number.

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